
Friday, February 3, 2012

Back to School

For the past 2 years, I have been working in the corporate world after getting an undergraduate degree in business and graduating in 2010.  It has been such an amazing experience and I have met so many wonderful people through my work.  I am blessed to go to work each day knowing that I love who I work with and what I do.  When I was choosing a major, I felt a lot of pressure.  I had always heard that you were supposed to pick something "you were passionate about."  Wow, so I am supposed to know what to do for the rest of my life at age 18?!  Insanity!  Nonetheless, I chose to pick Energy Management, a business degree, and went forth without looking back.

I loved my classes, my teachers, the friends I made and the doors my degree opened up.  It wasn't until I already graduated college and was decorating my first apartment that I learned I truly loved interiors!  I poured over floor plans and decor ideas, websites, and magazines for hours, while simply loving every minute of it.  I didn't think too much about it until a year went by and I was still feeling a subtle, strange pull towards designing.  My creative juices were overflowing and I had no place to put them!  In fact, I have files upon files of inspiration photos I saved that spoke to me (before we had Pinterest I had to save hardcopies).  My blog was finally created as a space to organize my thoughts pertaining to design.  Needless to say, blogging about interiors and fashion with like-minded people is simply heaven for me.  

I am excited to announce that after much prayer, contemplation, and research I have officially decided to pursue a second bachelor's degree- this time in Interior Design!  I will be attending the Art Institute of Houston beginning in the next few months.  Because I love my "other" job and need to fund my new decision, I will be attending design school on nights and weekends.  Oh, I am SO excited!  I think it's time to invest in some chic college outfits!  Do people still dress up for class?


I will probably look like the biggest dork my first day.  Oh well.  Cheers to taking a leap of faith!


  1. I am SO excited for you! I'm glad you are chasing your dreams. It will definitely be worth it in the end! :)

  2. I am beyond excited and proud of you! I'm sure it was not an easy decision, but I think it is one that you will look back on and be so glad you did it. I think it is time for some chic college outfits :) Congrats love! xo

  3. CONGRATS!! You sound JUST like me. I'm going to email you because we have TONS on common. xo

  4. Congrats! Actually acting on something you want to do can be scary and I admire people who do. Cheers!

  5. Congratulations! That's such an exciting step. I am graduating in April with an undergraduate English degree and have decided that I also would like to become an interior designer, and have been accepted the school of my dreams. Glad to be going through it with someone else. Good luck and all the best!

  6. This is SOOO beyond exciting!!!!! I wish you all the luck!! And definitely dress up for school - it's design school, you're allowed! :)

  7. Congrats! I'm sure this is the right decision for you and such an exciting step to take! I'm so so proud! xoxo

  8. OMG thats amazing!!!! i am sure it will be perfect!!!! i want need got to have the office bag in the top picture!!!

    love K

  9. Congrats! That is so exciting! I also got a business degree and am regreting it. Would have loved to to interior design! Good luck and keep us posted!

  10. Kudos to you for following your dreams! It takes a lot of courage, but in the end it will be worth it! I think you can totally dress up for college, even if it might only be to cheer yourself on (and isn't that the best?) :-)

  11. Congratulations! You are doing a very brave thing by going back to school and pursuing you dreams! I know you will be fabulous at it!

  12. Girl! That is so exciting! I just started interior design night classes a couple of weeks ago! Cheers to following our dreams :)

  13. Well I know one thing- satisfied, creative and inspirational ladies DO dress for a class!!;) Great news my girl, wish u all the best with new studies!!!


  14. Wow, that is such a big step! I admire you for doing this. I can tell just by your blog that you are super passionate about it so I'm sure you're going to be in heaven! Good for you!

  15. Thank you for all your sweet words of encouragement! You are the best!

  16. Congrats, that's so exciting! Best of luck to you! Xoxo

  17. Good luck, it will be stressful and sometimes frustrating ...but always an exciting challenge!

  18. Such exciting news, my dear! Yay, for following your dreams!:) And definitely time for some chic, college outfits!:)

  19. I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see you chic college outfits!

  20. Oh my goodness, how exciting!!! I am so excited for you and yes, cheers to a leap of style! Xoxo

  21. Wow, that's big news! My brother's fiancee did the exact same thing, only she got her first degree in accounting. Now they live in New York as she goes to school there for interior design. I'm so excited for you!

  22. Congratulations! You're so inspiring -- I've been wanting to go back to school to get a degree in interior design but have been putting it off. Can't wait to follow along your journey! {And it'll be so fun to have an excuse to wear cute outfits to class!}

  23. Congrats Sam!! This is such exciting news! I graduated in 2010 and went straight to grad school. It was a really great decision for me and I hope that yours works out amazingly!

  24. congrats on the leap of faith, lady! I am SURE it will be worth it :) and yes, you should dress up for class--just because! happy weekend, my love! xoxo {av} | {long distance loving}

  25. Girl I am so proud of you! Follow your dreams,no matter how risky it seems I think its scarier to life a stale life. Cheers!!! XO

  26. Sam!!! WOW!! Congrats! That is incredibly exciting!!! As I started reading your post I immediately knew I could relate to your situation. I graduated in 2009 with a degree in marketing and management and have been working in the corporate world, feeling rather unfulfilled, ever since. I often contemplate going back to school to pursue something I am passionate about, but haven't yet mustered up the courage for what you are doing. I wish you the BEST of luck in this exciting new endeavor. From the style you exude from this blog alone, I know you will be a success!!

  27. good for you! you're still young and have the right to change your mind! I feel the same way - eighteen is too young to determine what your lifelong career should be.

  28. Now you will be learning what you love and I hope it continues to make you happy. Wear what you want & show the young ones how it's done.

  29. Oh, I LOVE that Alligator portfolio bag, or whatever skin that is...
    Congratulation on your decision to get a 2nd degree! You are young, and this is the time to do it! I think you are brilliant to follow your passion! Best of luck and we will keep in touch thru our blogs!!!!
    Have a great weekend.

  30. That's wonderful! I think it's mighty brave of you to go after your passion. Good luck! I'm sure you won't look like a dork.

  31. you have to love what you do... because that is what will get you through the bad work days... great post!

  32. Congratulations! You definitely have an eye that the design world needs!

  33. congratulations dear! such wonderful news! best of luck to you!

  34. Yay!!!!! That's so wonderful! I remember when I was trying to decide my major I almost went into education. My friend said to me, but that would be such a waste of your creativity -- not everyone is blessed with it! I'm thrilled to hear you've found your passion and to hear the excitement pouring thru this post. Congrats, can't wait to see what you create!

  35. So exciting! Congratulations. I started my freshman year in psychology and quickly decided to follow my passion and switch to inferior design. I loved it. Good luck on your new venture.

  36. Hi Lovely, this is so wonderful!! Congrats on taking the big leap of faith and following your dreams! You will be wonderful at it no doubt and, more importantly - you will be blissfully happy to be living the life that you've dreamed up for yourself! Exciting times! X

  37. so so so excited for you! I totally agree- we are supposed to choose the rest of our career at age 18?! I did the same thing and majored in business! UGH! So happy and excited that you are following your dreams! You have an amazing design-eye so I know you are going to be amazing at this! Can't wait to follow along your journey with you; best of luck! xo

  38. Congrats on your huge life change. You are going to do a fantastic job. There is nothing better than design school.

  39. Sam....I commend you for following your passion and pursuing the second bachelors in Interior Design. You have such an eye, and I know this decision will bring you so many great opportunities where you can to practice what you love!! yaay!

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