
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Getting Personal

The lovely Kim, of Inspired Lines, recently shared a questionnaire with her followers, divulging a little fun information about who she is (besides an amazingly talented artist!).  She then finished with a list of 11 questions for a few fellow bloggers to answer on their own blogs.  In an effort to connect with you all on a more personal (and fun!) level, here are my answers to her questions:

1. You're in line at the've been there for 10 minutes; the queues are ridiculous but you really really need this bar of chocolate, darn it! Someone pushes in front of you say something or let it pass?

I would definitely say something!  I don't have any qualms about standing up for myself.  It's important to have dignity.  Of course, I would go about doing so in a polite way! ;) 

2.   Righty or lefty?

I'm a crazy lefty!  I never learned how to write correctly as a left-handed person, though, so my hand always smudges when I write.

3.  Favourite bedtime story when you were a kid...or now? ; )

I liked The Borrowers.  My mom used to read the book to me at bedtime, and I just loved it!  She is a teacher, so she had different voices for the characters and had different inflections while reading.  It kept me intrigued!  I was so excited to learn that there is a movie coming out based on Mary Norton's novel that will be called The Secret World of Arrietti.

4.  Best chick flick?

There are so many that I love!  My favorite would probably be The Notebook.  It is such a sweet story, and it always makes me cry.  I also love Beaches, which is a lovely tale of friendship through thick and thin.

5.  Hair up or Hair down?

I like to wear my hair up in a bun or a side ponytail.  I guess I feel the prettiest when my hair is up!

{At my brother's wedding}

6.  What's inside your handbag right now?

7.  Favourite flower?

Without a doubt, peonies!  Hydrangeas come in a close second.

8.  Drama, Thriller or Horror?

Thrillers!  I like the movies that have twists in them that you can't predict are coming.  Movies like The Sixth Sense, Lincoln Lawyer, and American Psycho.

9.  Your first love...a fond memory or a yucky recall?

Unfortunately, a yucky recall.  But you learn so much from every experience, so I have no regrets!  

10.  What are you reading at the moment?

Do Harper's Bazaar and Vogue count? ;)

11. An oldie but a goodie; brains or beauty?

Oh what a toughie!  I have to go with brains here, though.  Looks fade over time, we really can't help that and shouldn't be afraid of that, either!  Brains make you interesting and charming.  

I would love to hear your answers to these questions!  Feel free to leave a response below, tweet me at @peakoftreschic, or repost the questions to your own blog.  I love getting to know fellow bloggers!


  1. Oh Sam : ) Thanks for playing along...I loved reading your answers and your images are brilliant.

    I love The Sixth Sense and movies with the same type of "gotcha" ending. Another great one with a surprise ending and a little bit spooky is, "Hide and Seek" with Robert De Niro and also, "The Others" with Nicole Kidman : )

    I think all our handbags would have pretty much the same things inside : )

    ...and I go with brains also, although...I'm rather hot ; ) Just kidding.

    It was lovely reading about you, Sam. Thanks again.


  2. I loved reading this, you are such a doll! I have been meaning to post a questionnare that was passed to me through the blogosphere and you have inspired me to get going! xo

  3. This is so cute! Loved getting to know you better. Your hair looks so great up (I'm an up-do girl myself). :)

  4. I agree with Kim, great images! Glad to have a chance to know you better.

  5. Cute interview. Always nice getting to know fellow bloggers. Ah, I am a thriller kinda girl too. Seattle Beauty and Fashion - Girlie Blog Seattle

  6. I love these questionnaires! It helps followers really get to know the blogger behind the blog! Thanks for posting this! I may have to re-post as well! :)

  7. Such a fun questionnaire! I love getting to know my bloggy besties better ;)

  8. Oh this is just fabulous! I absolutely love getting to read more about you! I have to agree with almost all of your answers--my favorite chick flick has to be The Holiday because it's like 2-in-1 :) xo

  9. Great reading more about you Sam! Peonies and Hydrangeas are also 2 of my favorites, tulips would be the 3rd ;)

  10. peonies are one my fav flowers too, I have two:)
    peonies & tulips<3

  11. So fun to learn more about you Sam! I'm with you on the flowers, peonies and hydrangeas no question!

    Abbey x

  12. Love these and your pic choices.


  13. Loved reading these tidbits about you! ;)
    I love Beaches and the Notebook, of course!
    You're hair looks amazing like that!
    AND I happen to think lefty's are the most creative, interesting and impressionable people! Props to you!

  14. What great questions -- an interesting spin on the usual, and yet we still get to learn so much about you! I didn't think I could heart you more. ;o)

  15. So fun to learn more about you! Love your hair in a side bun :) I rarely wear mine up! The Notebook and peonies are my fave too :)


What say you? I'm all ears.