Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wardrobe to Room by Michaela Noelle Designs

Hi friends! I'm Michaela and I blog over at Michaela Noelle Designs, sharing my love for interior design, fashion and lots of do it yourself projects.  I'm excited to be here over at Sam's adorable blog today.  We have lots in common, as we're both in school for design. I know we'd make great friends and shopping pals if we lived in the same city :)

I'm an interior design student with one year left until I graduate, and I'm excited to say I can't wait for the rest of my life- designing spaces for others is what gives me the most joy! In addition to interiors, fashion is also a fun way for me to express my favorite colors, patterns, and trends.  Isn't it fun to see trends hit the runway, and then see those same trends in the home? If you've ever been to my blog you already know my three favorite things: chevron, lavender and my adorable white golden retriever :)  A while ago I bought a simple lavender dress with a chevron shape at the top, and then when I was redoing my bedroom and found an old dresser at an antique shop, I decided to paint my favorite zig zag pattern on the dresser. Without even thinking of the dress, the same pattern ended up on my dresser.  Hey, when you know what you like, you just go with it, right?! 

Here's a little collage of how my wardrobe translates into my home decor:
via michaela noelle designs. for more product information and bedroom details, go here.

Have you made any design decisions based on trends you've seen on the runway, or in your closet?

Thanks a bunch for having me here today, Sam. You're a gem; sweet as can be and full of style and inspiration. 

Have a lovely day, readers!


  1. pretty ; ))

  2. How fun! Love the dress and the dresser!

  3. Looks great! Love the dresser!

  4. Love Michaela and that dress is so stunning on her! :)

  5. I've loved this dresser since the first time I saw it! Gorgeous DIY!

  6. Thanks for having me, Sam! So fun to put this together :)

  7. You have great style. I especially love that dresser!



What say you? I'm all ears.

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