
Monday, July 15, 2013

Being In Your 20s

Being in your 20s is both weird and fascinating.  You are in the midst of making some of the most important decisions of your life and really laying the groundwork for the years to come.  You walk a fine line between having fun and making mistakes and growing up and preparing for your future.  I know I'm not alone in feeling this way.  Bri recently posted about it, and a few months ago Mackenzie did, too.  

I thought I had it all figured out when I graduated college at 22.  I quickly went from hating my 9-5 job to starting a blog to going back to school full-time. It doesn't help that social commentators call us the "boomerang generation," meaning many of us go from graduating college straight back to living with our parents.  We are choosing to begin our careers later, get married later, and have kids later.   It's like our 20s are a prolonged adolescence- or that's what seems to be reiterated to us by the media.  

I think the truth for many of us 20-somethings is we are just trying to get it all right- find the right person to marry, pursue a career we are truly passionate about, and make our days matter.  We've seen marriages fail at a rate of 50%, and we've seen older generations full of regret for spending decades doing work they hated.  And we don't want to make the same mistakes.

That's why I loved listening to clinical psychologist Dr. Meg Jay's TED Talk entitled, "Why 30 is not the new 20."  She discusses the importance of your 20s and why we aren't just a "lost" generation.  The B Bar posted it on Facebook and I loved it so much I had to share it:

I hope you find it as inspiring as me!  



  1. Love this! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I loved this TED Talk, it is by far one of my favorites! I thought all the points that were hit on were so true. I've shared this with lots of friends!


  3. Thank you for sharing - super inspiring!

  4. Is it bad that I just turned 33 and still feel this way?? Lol!

  5. I watched it too and it was such great advice and so true!! I just turned 28 and I feel like I am just now heading in the direction that I want to be going!!

  6. Love this post! I may share this on my blog as well, really enjoyed what she had to say.


  7. I completely agree with you Sam- I feel the same way and wrote a post on my twenties a week or two ago on my blog. At the end of the day I think we are all just trying to get by and do our best. Our twenties are definitely fun but challenging!


  8. I loved my 20's, I had a great job and met my husband. But truthfully life gets better and much more interesting as you get older. So hang in there!

  9. Love this TED talk-- her message is so great! Just because you don't know exactly where you are going, doesn't mean to give up figuring it out. A great message for all twenty-something ladies.


  10. Wow, this is crazy because I just wrote a draft on this last week lol. I love that people are taking Meg Jay's stance seriously. I too have felt like I have been wasting my twenties but after reading the book I have started my own "Identity Capital" and it gives me a true sense of purpose in my life so I'm not just "wasting" my decade.

  11. Totally watching this. It sounds like it will explain a lot of why I did what I did!

  12. sending this to my sister, such good points.

  13. Sam,
    I have to say this is the first blog post that I've actually sat down and read in a while.
    Not only did it pertain so much to me, but it was well-written and just hit very close to home.
    I watched the Ted talk and she's right! The 20s are our time to take our dreams and aspirations and put them into high gear! And to never settle!

    Thanks for sharing such insight!
    It truly has encouraged me to do some great things.

    tiana of l'esthetique

  14. Such an inspiring and mindful post! I loved the video so much! Thanks for sharing Xo

  15. her books is equally as good! It's nice feeling that I'm not alone feeling lost in my 20s.


What say you? I'm all ears.