A few favorite links I found on the internet this week....
- I loved taking a peek in to some of my favorite interior designer's offices on Carla Ann's blog here. Take a tour of Bunny Williams, Betsy Burnham, Barbara Berry, Thomas O'Brien, and Windsor Smith's workspaces.
-This infographic shows the best jobs for all 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types. As an ENTJ, I loved seeing architect listed as an ideal job for my personality type (closest thing to interior designer). Have no idea what the Myers-Briggs test is? Go here to take it and find out more.
-Have you guys seen The Holiday? After seeing that movie, I always thought the idea of swapping houses with someone for a getaway vacation (at no cost) seemed so romantic. Nicole Cohen, writer of Sketch 42 Blog, recently switched houses with a family in LA for the holiday using the "creatives-only" house-swapping site Behomm. She shared her experience and photos of the house here, and I think this might be the coolest house I've ever seen.
-This Mommy Wars video made me laugh out loud. Even though I'm not a mom, I am always surprised to see how dogmatic mothers can be about the "right" way to care for a baby. From breastfeeding, to working moms, to stay-at-home dads, this parody will crack you up.
-These days, there's an app for everything. Interested in outsourcing your life? Joanna Goddard shares how. Ha!
TGIF!! Enjoy your Friday and your weekend, everybody!