Thursday, February 12, 2015

My Current Skin Routine

If you read my Friday's Worthy Links post last week, you may recall I mentioned my love of Heather Clawson and her blog, Habitually Chic.  She did a skincare post a few weeks ago that inspired me to share my own morning and evening routine with you all today.  I am such a big believer in taking care of yourself, and especially your skin.  I know a lot of people gawk at the expense of many quality skincare products as well as the cost of facials.  But to me- what is more important to invest in than your own skin?  Let me start by sharing a quote from Heather's post that I agree with wholeheartedly:

"To put this in terms many of my design friends and followers will understand, you wouldn’t build a house and expect it to stand for 8o years without routine maintenance like sanding, filling, and painting- and that’s how we should regard skincare."

Now you may be thinking- why would I listen to what a 27 year-old has to say about skincare and age prevention?!  Well, I will be the first person to admit I am still learning and discovering what works best for me when it comes to my skin.  However, I have had the world's best example and teacher out there when it comes to aging gracefully- my mom.  Even at 57 and with never having any sort of plastic surgery done, her skin is flawless:

 {A sweet moment with her granddaughter, and my niece- Lillian!}

 {Posing with my dad at their joint birthday party last year}

Growing up in Hawaii, my mom spent most days of her teens and early 20s lathered in tanning oil on the beach.  However, in her mid 20s she realized the damage she had been doing to her skin and was proactive about changing that!   She taught me from a young age how to protect and manage my skin and the importance of getting regular facials with extractions.  Her main tip, just like any dermatologist would say- was to always, always, always wear sunscreen - even in the winter or on cloudy days.  So armed with my mom's knowledge, my temperamental skin, and my own experience working and talking with dermatologists and aestheticians,  here is my current skin maintenance plan:
1.)  I use SkinCeutical's Clarifying Cleanser in the morning before I apply makeup and before bed each night.  

This cleanser was first recommended to me by my dermatologist, and I've now been using it for years to tame my t-zone breakouts. It has 2% salicylic acid,  an FDA-Approved acne treatment that unclogs pores, and an exfoliant that is great for clearing breakouts.  I also find it works well with anti-aging products, for those of you who, like me, are in that awkward stage where you are noticing fine lines here and there but still seem to break out!  (I thought break outs were supposed to end after high school.  Ugh!) Another thing my mom always stressed to me was the importance of taking off all your makeup before bed.  When I see my facialist, she can even tell if I've missed taking off makeup a few nights since I last see her because it makes your skin so congested. 

2.) I apply a retinol every other evening after my cleanser on my face, neck, and decollette.  

 I use one from the Belage Center in Houston, (where I receive botox treatments, which I will discuss later in the post) but I've also used La Rouche Posay's retinol and loooove it
Using a retinol (retinoid) on a regular basis is key to preventing premature aging.  Retinoids minimize the appearance of wrinkles, bolster the skin's thickness and elasticity, slow the breakdown of collagen (which helps keep skin firm), and lighten brown spots caused by sun exposure.  Retinoids work by prompting surface skin cells to turn over and die rapidly, making way for new cell growth underneath. They hamper the breakdown of collagen and thicken the deeper layer of skin where wrinkles get their start. There has been several scientific studies proving the anti-aging affects of retinol use, and you can read more about the benefits of retinoids here.

 3.) I follow my retinol application with applying Aquaphor to sensitive, flaky areas.  

If you start using a retinoid for the first time, you might notice that some areas of your skin get flaky and dry.  This is totally normal, and happens because the retinol is helping to turn over dead skin cells.  Your skin will adjust as the retinol makes your skin thicker, but I love having Aquaphor on hand when I see a bit of flakiness.

4.) On the nights I am not using a retinol, I apply a Vitamin C serum I also buy from the Belage Center.  However, I also highly recommend Skin Ceutical's C E Ferulic because I used this product for many years before I began going to Belage.

Vitamin C is another key product for healthy, radiant skin.  In 1992, Dr. Sheldon Pinnell of Duke University published the results of a study that showed the Vitamin-C form of L asorbic acid reduced sun damage. These results launched several other studies that proved Vitamin C's other positive effects on the skin. Humans are one of the only species on earth that cannot produce Vitamin C internally, which helps boost our immune system and fights off free-radicals on the skin.  Vitamin C is also a prime ingredient of collagen.  It is much better to use a Vitamin C serum rather than a moisturizer, because serums can penetrate the deeper skin layers while moisturizers only address the superficial surface tissue (via).
Vitamin C has become an increasingly popular ingredient in cosmetic skin-care products. In 1992, Dr. Sheldon Pinnell of Duke University published the results of a study that proved the vitamin-C form of L-ascorbic acid reduced sun damage. This launched further studies that proved vitamin C's other positive effects on the skin. Now, in the cosmetics world, vitamin C is a star ingredient in facial serums.

Read more :
Vitamin C has become an increasingly popular ingredient in cosmetic skin-care products. In 1992, Dr. Sheldon Pinnell of Duke University published the results of a study that proved the vitamin-C form of L-ascorbic acid reduced sun damage. This launched further studies that proved vitamin C's other positive effects on the skin. Now, in the cosmetics world, vitamin C is a star ingredient in facial serums.

Read more :
Vitamin C has become an increasingly popular ingredient in cosmetic skin-care products. In 1992, Dr. Sheldon Pinnell of Duke University published the results of a study that proved the vitamin-C form of L-ascorbic acid reduced sun damage. This launched further studies that proved vitamin C's other positive effects on the skin. Now, in the cosmetics world, vitamin C is a star ingredient in facial serums.

Read more :
Vitamin C has become an increasingly popular ingredient in cosmetic skin-care products. In 1992, Dr. Sheldon Pinnell of Duke University published the results of a study that proved the vitamin-C form of L-ascorbic acid reduced sun damage. This launched further studies that proved vitamin C's other positive effects on the skin. Now, in the cosmetics world, vitamin C is a star ingredient in facial serums.

Read more :

5.) In the mornings, I apply a sunscreen to my face, neck, and decollete.

As I said, this is Momma P's number 1 rule, and I'm never one for disappointing her.  I love Skin Ceutical's Daily Defense because it's lightweight and non-sticky.

6.) In the morning and evening, my last step is always Shiseido Bio-Performance Advanced Super Revitalizer Whitening moisturizer

I love Shiseido's moisturizer because it leaves my skin feeling so soft and velvety.  It contains glycerin, squalance, and hyaluonic acid and sinks in immediately with no annoying residue.

In addition to using a repertoire of excellent skin care products, I also make it a priority to get a monthly facial with extractions.  

If you live in Houston, I highly recommend Jaclyn at Skindustry.  She is so knowledgeable and experienced, and always makes my facial experience feel like such a relaxing escape- even with extractions mixed in!  I have pointed so many friends her way- and she always clears up their skin and gets them on the right track in no time.  Her spa was also voted 3rd best spa in Houston by Houston Magazine this year, and she even de
signed a skincare line for Deepak Chopra.  How cool is that? (Sidenote: I just realized Jaclyn is not taking any new client appointments until May because she is having a baby.  However, be sure to save her information for when May rolls around!)

Now on to the controversial stuff- injectibles.  I have begun seeing Dr. Yalamanchili at the Belage Center for botox treatments a few times a year, and am thrilled with the results.

Now I know everyone under the sun has an opinion on botox, fillers, and plastic surgery in general, and I believe it is a very personal decision to make.  I thought long and hard about botox before going forward with it and spoke to several skin care professionals before making a consultation appointment with Dr. Yalamanchili.  He was recommended to me by a friend who has worked for several years in the plastics industry, and felt strongly that he was the best of the best when it comes to botox.  I will say that he made me feel completely at ease, addressed all my concerns, and was very diligent about helping me achieve the results I was wanting.  I particularly like the Belage Center's approach to botox because they charge based on the area rather than the number of units used.  This allows them to fully treat the area according to what is needed until it is perfect. After just two treatments, the botox has already made the furrows between my bros disappear as well as the fine lines on my forehead.  

{Recent snap- not sure what face I am making??}

Whew.  That was a long post, but one I've been wanting to do for awhile now.  Whenever I find a great product or item that works for me, my immediate inclination is to share it with you guys!  Do you have favorite skin care products?  I'd love for you to share them in the comments! 

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  1. My favourite skin care products are soap and water! Perfect ... and inexpensive.

  2. Genetics help too! Looks like you inherited your mom's flawless skin, lucky you!

  3. Some of my favorite moisturizers are: coconut oil, Trader Joe's Vitamin E Oil, and Fresh's Lotus Youth Prservation Creme.

  4. You have amazing skin and so does your mom! Thanks for sharing your beauty routine. I am 28 and am totally at the same age that fine lines start appearing but I am still breaking out (and pregnancy #2 has wreaked havoc on my face!) I just started using some of RMS line and Tata Harper Organics but I am unsure of whether or not I will continue. They aren't cheap and I am not sure how effective they have been (pregnancy hormones are in full force!). Thanks for your honesty and the recommendations!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. it is the more than it that may become a tangle however is well mitigated by the right hygiene of laundry frequently and feeding the correct healthy food, for more information click here men face care.

  7. Whilst a suntan might look good it's one of the worst things you can do to your skin. Sunlight has damaging UV rays that burn your skin if you're out in strong sunlight for too long, and this ages your skin and damages it severely. Sunburn is one of the worst things you can ever do to your skin. anti-wrinkle beauty products

  8. Great post! Sounds like such an easy quick routine!

  9. Yes, everyone has different skin care routine. My sister massages her skin daily and always use to say that I need the natural and best option which makes her smooth and attractive. She always uses this site for her skin care routine.


What say you? I'm all ears.

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