
Monday, July 20, 2015

Moving to NYC

I am extremely excited to announce that as of next Sunday, I will be a New York City resident!  I recently got word that Amanda Nisbet Design has offered me a position to join their firm as their newest designer.  Working alongside one of my all-time favorite interior designers in the city that never sleeps feels like a dream come true.  And while I might have to tough it out in a tiny studio apartment for the foreseeable future, going to work won't be terrible when our office looks like this:

After 5 incredible years in Houston, I felt like it was time to make a change.  It's always been in the back of my mind that I'd love to go to NYC for a few years to experience the creative world there and hone my skill set as a designer in a fast-paced environment.  And now just felt like the right time for me to make that move.  I'm thrilled, but also a bit nervous.  Everyone seems to be preparing me for the worst (out of love, I'm sure)- "you know you will most likely have to send your laundry out, right?" "you know how expensive the cost of living is there, right?"  "you know this isn't Sex and the City, right?"  All very valid points, and I do know adjusting to life and culture in NYC will take time... but I'm so thrilled to get to know the city on a deeper level and give my new firm and career everything I've got.  Worst case scenario-  I realize the city isn't for me and I return to Houston with my tail tucked between my legs, only better for the experience.  I will say that everyone seemed to think I would hate Houston when I was preparing to move here from Oklahoma City.  "The traffic is terrible, and the humidity is even worse" were common remarks made by well-intentioned acquaintances and friends.  Maybe coming to Houston with such low expectations allowed me to truly fall in love with this city all on my own.  I hope you'll follow along (on instagram too!) as I learn how to pare down my decor from a 2,000 square foot townhouse to a 400 square foot studio apartment. I think first on the list is switching out my kind bed for a full or queen bed, and I have my eye on this one.

Tomorrow I'll be sharing some studio apartment inspiration.  Small does not have to mean lifeless or drab- you just have to get a little more creative. :)




  1. My cousin moved from a little town in Kentucky to NYC and LOVES it. It is such a fun experience. Best wishes to you. And way to go for following your dream, most are too scared to do such a thing.

  2. I hope you love NYC! I lived there for 2 years moving from Atlanta, GA and it was an amazing experience. You adapt quickly to "sending your laundry out," but there are tricks with things like mini washers you can set up in your apt that help :). Safe travels!

    Blue Door Living

  3. Sam, you will love iit there! So much good energy. I'm so proud you're stretching your wings and taking a plunge into this lifestyle. If you don't, you would always worry, "WHY?"

  4. Congrats! You'll be missed as a Houstonian. Enjoy your new journey as a New Yorker

  5. You will love NYC and probably never want to leave :) I live in a 400 sf. studio in Toronto that was featured in House & Home magazine last year. Check out pics on my website under 'gallery' at Best of luck with the new job and new city; how exciting!!!

  6. so good style ;-)

    i invite to me too

  7. I am so excited for you, my friend!!!


  8. I'll never forget see one of Sarah Richardson's shows on redoing the loft apartment of one of her employees. It was amazing - so tiny but beyond chic. You will LOVE it. We lived in the city when we were first married for 4 years and it was an amazing experience and getting to work with Amanda Nisbet…a no brainer!! Enjoy every second - just THRILLED for you!

  9. Been there done that and loved it. It was a major shock at first seeing how much apartment your money gets. I saw over thirty apartments before I found one I liked. I lived there almost three years and I loved it. Here's my advice as a SoCal girl that did the NYC move thing. DOORMAN. If you can afford an apartment in a doorman building, the rest is trivial. And a portable AC and heater or an extra down comforter. Sometimes you have to wait on the building to turn the AC and/or Heat on. You are going to have an amazing time. Plus when you're older you'll have great stories to share.

  10. So excited for you!! We'll miss you, but will love following your new venture! And, of course, we'll see you in NYC. Dinner, my treat!

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