Friday, August 14, 2015

Off to Tulum

Happy Friday! Lindsay and I (as well as two of my best high school friends) are currently unplugging in Tulum for the weekend.  Although I've been to Mexico several times, I've never experienced Tulum, and am excited to see the Mayan ruins.  We also plan to eat dinner at Hartwood (I've heard amazing things!), possibly go zip lining, and do a lot of girl talking over mojitos by the beach.  With the new job in NYC and the craziness of transitioning to a new city, I am really looking forward to a chance to unwind.  I'm sure I'll be posting updates of our travels on instagram (@peakoftreschic), so I hope you'll follow along! Then next weekend it's off to Montauk with Lauren and Gabby.  Have I mentioned how much I love weekend getaways?

If you've been to Tulum before, let me know what's not to miss!



A few Tulum essentials...

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  1. Hi Sam! Check out The Weekender guide to Tulum. Hartwood is one of my favorite places on earth! Have a wonderful trip!

  2. I loved Del Cielo in Tulum. It has great juices and brunch/lunch.


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