
Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday's Worthy Links

It's been an emotionally-charged week for many in light of the recent Paris attacks, and I think we can all sense the anger, sadness, and agitation among us.  I always struggle a bit to strike the right balance here in terms of what I post.  As I've mentioned before, this blog started as a personal escape for me, so I love the idea of others coming here for a nice, stress-free break in the day to view pretty interiors.  At the same time, I never want to shy away from writing about the harder aspects of life.  The only actionable thing I know how to do to help is to donate to UNICEF, the UN agency helping Syrian children by providing healthcare, nutrition, immunization, education, water, and sanitation. If having a baby niece has taught me anything, it's that a child is so vulnerable and impressionable and at the same time remarkably curious and open to life.  Despite our differences as adults, innocent Syrian children should not have to suffer. 

Now back to the "lighter" stuff.  A few links for your weekend perusal...

-Loved The Man Repeller's first Monocycle podcast discussing how to prevent artistic burnout.  Leandra poses the questions-  Are we all really burning out, and if so- why is that happening? And when did we forget that happiness is the goal?

-Loved seeing how Erin decorated her new baby Henry's nursery.  The space is so calm and soothing!

-The Norwegians put a positive spin on the impending winter. Maybe we can learn something from their outlook?

-One of my favorite textile designers, Madeline Weinrib, is hosting a sample sale with up to 40-60% off on her covetable rugs and pillows.  Shop the sale online or at ABC Carpet & Home here in New York.

This weekend I'm in Charleston for the first time.  Our firm is opening a satellite office here, so I've been working here for the past few days, but felt it was worth staying the weekend to really experience the city.  Any seasoned Charlestonians out there?  If so, let me know what is not to be missed!




  1. Hello and happy Friday!
    I love your Friday worthy links! It's always stuff that I seem to miss, so keep it up! Also, I'm spending new years in Charleston this year, so if you find any not-to-miss spots, let us know!

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What say you? I'm all ears.